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Punch your day up a Notch Image

Punch your day up a Notch

Join one of our boxing programs in our Cox/Lyle Boxing Center.

Over the past several years, boxing has become a staple in the exercise and fitness world.

Boxing not only helps to build and tone your muscular stature, but also helps you to gain mental strength.

It is a great workout to stimulate your mind, body and soul. Not to mention, burn tons of calories!

Boxing teaches discipline, healthy living, and strength.

There are many benefits to boxing. Here are 7 of the top benefits. 1. Teaches discipline and routine 2. Help with weight loss 3. Build a stronger heart 4. Build strong bones and muscles 5. Strengthen the entire body 6. Help to relieve stress 7. Helps maintain mental focus and coordination

At Denver Red Shield we offer four types of boxing programs at the Cox/Lyle Boxing Center.

Drop-In/Open Gym

Open gym is for anyone over eighteen. Appointments only. This is available Monday - Friday from 2:30 PM - 8:00 PM.

Parkinson's Boxing

On Wednesday mornings from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM & Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. The gym is open to anyone with Parkinson's to learn to box and to use the equipment. Boxing helps with focus, muscle tone, coordination, and helps retain higher mental function in those suffering from Parkinson's. Must have a membership or purchase a day pass to participate.

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